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It is also a martial art that teaches self-defense techniques, and that point was a major one for Nia, as she believes that women should have the skills to defend themselves. Every individual is beautiful in her own unique way., Miss Massachusetts East Coast USA Photogenic Supreme Lauren Forbes. As a result, you felt like the whole world was opened for you. That is totally normal, and its ok. It has to be something that you want to invest in, work tirelessly for and put energy into for the long haul. "From there I kind of witnessed firsthand where the gaps are in our mental health system, and I lived through the stigma that surrounds mental health and mental . I bet you can! Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray visiting a child with a cleft lip. Drawing on our experience and that of others, we offer five considerations that mental-health-care providers, insurers, or employers should bear in mind as they embark on developing pay-for . Appearance does not define beauty. Its an exciting time to explore volunteering in this area, and you will absolutely feel rewarded for your efforts, as you help other women achieve their own goals. Platforms are a particular cause or program you choose to promote as part of your volunteer work through the pageant. Volunteering means that you are there to help in some way and get your hands dirty. And, you may find that you change your mind a few times about your platform. Participating in pageantry is about more than just a crown and sash; your voice and your actions can influence so many more people than you realize and having a sparkly hat and sash can help to amplify anything that you want to bring to light. This . If writing an essay is required, it will also force you to think about the specific ways that you plan to bring your cause to a resolution. Covering your bases like this will not only help you to seal the deal with your judges, but it will help to make an impact with others should you decide to post your speech online. Mpule Kwelagobe. Choosing the right platform is about doing soul searching to figure out what you want to put your time and effort into. Choosing a pageant platform is one of the most important decisions in the pageant candidacy process because it is a reflection of your personal interest and dedication to community service. Since the 1920s, the country has been crowning women for their charm and grace through the Manila Carnival, a celebration of the friendship between the United States and the Philippines. Your platform is the vehicle for your strategic marketing plan as a contestant. Many girls who have signed up for their first pageant have not embarked upon a platform and won. You can also start a youtube channel if your platform is something that would fit this genre. Read 107 Pageant Platform Examples (& How to Choose THE One)Read 6 Pageant Platform Money Raising Ideas That Are Guaranteed to Work!Subscribe to the Pageant Daily The overdose death rate from opioid (painkillers) drugs has increased a staggering 200 percent since 2000. Got any ideas? child advocacy. Perhaps your Mom and Dad read to you because you could not read for yourself, and that one thing that they did made you feel so loved and accepted, despite the reality that you had a learning deficiency. It is not about the actual cause though, it is about what you have specifically done to mitigate this cause and bring awareness to it. Miss USA 2014 Nia Sanchez. Add To Favorites California Pageant Queens Will Use Their Voice to Raise Awareness About Mental Health Los Angeles Sentinel - 4/20/2022 The reigning Miss Black CA USA Autumn Rae and Miss Black CAUSATalented Teen Nasreen El-Shabazz are coming together to use their pageant platform to bring awareness and resolution to depression, suicide, and mental health as they represent the state of . Her Platform: Mental health awareness Crystal is passionate . Over the years, beauty pageants have proven to be detrimental to the physical and mental health of their participants. In your immediate family, those who stay with you in your home, is someone facing an extremely tough medical situation? In general, when you are trying to think of what you can do to make money for your platform, try to stay as true to yourself as possible. Let us mentor you! The term "bullying" used to conjure images of a boisterous kid pushing down a weaker peer on the playground. What are you good at? You just have to care. It does not have to be a huge undertaking, like sponsoring a 5 course fancy dinner in a ballroom somewhere. From severe diseases like cancer and Aids to mental health related issues like depression or eating disorders, and even subjects like organ donation, if you have a sincere desire to serve those who are suffering, then this category may be a good match for you. My pageant has a pageant platform essay. The reigning Miss Black CA USA Autumn Rae and Miss Black CA USA Talented Teen Nasreen El-Shabazz are coming together to use their pageant platform to bring awareness and resolution to depression . Cleft repair surgery is simple, and the transformation is immediate. Arika chose financial literacy as her platform during the Mrs. DC America competition which she won and is competing this week in the 2012 Mrs. America Pageant. Caris tragic death compelled her mother, Candy Lightner, to found the organization, which would grow into one of the countrys most influential non-profit organizations. Miss Global 2018 Sophia Ng. There is nothing that says that you cant have fun while volunteering. Pageant Planet, Inc It doesnt mean that the contestant has already taken her platform to a global level; it simply means that she can take it there with the assistance of the pageant system. And, as a survivor of the disease, she is committed to trying to raise awareness of the debilitating nature of eating disorders, and to spread the message to young girls that "Self-confidence is the single most important thing in the key to happiness. A public eating contest of any kind: pie eating, hot dog eating, pizza eating and so on. Every contestant out there needs to be doing mock interviews, yet so many girls dont do it because either they dont know what to do, they dont have anyone to ask them questions or they dont feel comfortable filming themselves. Miss Washington Teen USA 2019 Lily Lloyd. That's why so many contestants have a pageant platform, or a cause that a contestant or titleholder dedicates their time to working on or giving back to. The vast media coverage and candid admissions of harassment and assault by countless celebrities has created an open environment to discuss issues that were off limits previously. As most of us know, Cheslie is an attorney specializing in complex civil litigation, which gives her a unique ability to inspire, mentor and empower the women that she is helping. This can be very useful if your platform is related to anything in their realm of interests. COLUMNS Mind Over Mood: Vulnerableand Vigilant. Think about all of the possible ways to communicate with people, and all the different ways that we do that. A pageant like The International Pageant System is an organization that puts a major emphasis on service work and platforms, so its no surprise that two of their well known national titleholders in the Mrs. Division, embraced platforms that focused on helping suffering children. In your introduction, you want to entice your judges by reading more. Ng was unsure as to what pageants could offer her already budding career in mental health, but, she began to realize that she could use her platform to further her passion of wanting to de-stigmatize mental health especially amongst the Asian American community. During her Miss USA reign, Cheslie Kryst went out of her way to support her fellow pageant queens, including former Miss Utah Rachel Slawson. access_timehace 4 horas. In fact, the majority of contestants go through a period of looking into different platform ideas, asking themselves a lot of questions about what the feel most motivated to change in the world. They believe that the annual competition is not only a form of entertainment, but they endeavor to educate people around the world about the effects of war and violence, that many people may not be aware of. Using proper punctuation when needed, ensuring that you are not using run-on sentences, and proper word usage can all help with your tone. You could of course tutor someone, like a student in Spanish. Therefore, if you want to do well in that type of a pageant, then youd better be pretty adept at your talent. You have so many options through these places, too. An example might be that you know that you want your platform to be centered on literacy. In fact, she was even a recipient of the Gold Level Presidential Volunteer Service Award (the highest you can achieve) because she donated over 250 hours of unpaid acts of volunteer service benefiting others, within a 12 month period! Were not talking about starting a new career here. As written in Psychology Today, issues with self-identity after a child retires from the pageant scene in her teens such as eating disorders, depression, and mental health issues are not uncommon, proving the effect of these contests on a girl's self-esteem and how their behavior towards physical appearance becomes borderline obsessive (Matina . And the hidden physical dangers of sexulization of a child to put on a show for potential sex- offenders lurking in the audience. Everyone either has a cause or has heard a story that pulls on your heartstrings and makes you want to help as much as humanly possible. Best for eating disorders: Recovery Record. Now that she is a pageant titleholder, she . In contrast, pageants seem to instill messages like "I should be flawless," "I have to be thin . Having a relatable and personal platform helps for the judges to remember you as well as making sure that you are actually accomplishing a goal in real life with your platform. Creating the perfect pageant platform consists of three different types of thinking: how strongly do you feel about your cause, what actions can you take to make your community aware of this cause, and what about it makes you a memorable contestant. Your platform could supplement an existing charity, like the American Heart Association or Shatterproof, or you could start the path to create your own organization. Tragically, during the Miss World America pageant in Las Vegas, she collapsed just as she was preparing to go onstage for the final round of the national competition. Exercise your mental fitness! What would you call your platform if it were a book, for example? Amazon Smile you can raise money for almost any charity there. When they are assessing the contestants during their national competition, one of the things that they are looking at is whether or not each womans platform is one that they can engage with and support on an international level. Selling products that you make or distribute. 10900. She has used her platform as the first Indian-American titleholder to increase representation of her South Asian culture, as well as expanding her mental health advocacy. You can achieve this in multiple different ways that involve the previous sections. And, this one fact is the singularly most impressive thing about Lily Lloyd. A lot of contestants think theyve got a great platform, and they have tons of ideas about volunteering or serving in some way in support of that platform. I do this because of a strong sense of citizenship and desire to serve my community. Most of the candidates who participate in the organization also enjoy getting involved with the annual fund raisers associated with the CMN, such as Dairy Queens Miracle Treat Day campaign and Free Pancake Day at IHOP. Staying homegrown and realizing the problems that face your community is a great way to be an advocate to advance your cause and give your hometown someone to believe in. "Standing onstage in front of loads of people on a national pageant platform is going to . But, now, thankfully, the secrecy surrounding these issues has been lifted, and victims of assault are taking back their power and inviting other survivors to do the same. Photo: PBS. and I have to say this natural treatment is a 100% game changer for anyone with ALS. Photo: World Tae Kwon Do Federation. She was Miss India Worldwide 2018, Miss India USA 2017 and prior to that countless titles in the Miss America system. Photo: Melissa Pocza. In this section of your essay, you should have at least three paragraphs, the first illustrating the backstory behind why you chose your platform. I saw so many young women struggling with mental health issues, trying to be perfect and taking on way too much pressure.. Ask yourself: Who do I know? Youre on the right track, but you need to customize your concept. Creating a platform with an emotional tie to you. What we mean by leveled up or up leveled, is that your platform can be easily implemented on a larger scale. This number represents 17 out of every 10,000 people in the United States. Mayelin De La Cruz Gutierrez, Miss Grand New Jersey 2019, says this about platforms, A platform is ideal for a contestant to have because you can learn so much from what they support and what they choose to advocate for., Need more information on what a pageant platform is and what it should mean to you? In this paragraph, you should talk about how you have pursued your platform and how you have begun to tackle the issue your championing. Another titleholder whose platform came from her own medical experience is Miss Washington World America 2019, Shree Saini. . Cheslie Kryst, the 2019 winner of the Miss USA pageant and a . No, it is just one of those mornings where I am just in awe with life and miracles. Women are still continually fighting for equal rights and opportunities in the business arena, and who better to embrace and understand that fight than someone who is in the trenches day after day? Healthy self-esteem includes the internalized messages "I am good" and "I am enough.". Photo: Facebook. Its always a good idea to find a specific niche with regard to a popular platform subject like bullying. Photo: White Collar Glam. And, that is what really makes a differencein your life and in the lives of others. The stark reality is that 1 in 3 women experience sexual assault or domestic violence at some point in their lives, so its time that our society comes to terms with the damage of this epidemic and that we start aggressively seeking a solution.